Meet The Owner


My journey into entrepreneurship began with a simple desire to nourish the children in my home daycare properly. Despite numerous obstacles—from financial stress to unreliable contractors—the idea of starting a smoothie shop took root. Fueled by unwavering belief in my vision, I persevered, supported by a few trusted friends and family members who helped bring my dream to life. Even amid the challenges of the pandemic and a lack of government assistance, I refused to give up. Instead, I found renewed determination to bet on myself and invest everything I had into my business.

The Smoothie Joint is more than just a business to me—it's my baby, and I've poured my heart and soul into nurturing it to success. This dedication led me to resign from my full-time job, allowing me to focus entirely on my business and its growth. Despite wearing many hats and facing daily learning curves, I've seen significant progress.

What sets our company apart in the industry is our unwavering commitment to purity and community. We stand out by offering products free from additives, using only all-natural ingredients sourced fresh daily. Our mission extends beyond simply being present in the community; we strive to actively engage and contribute to it. By providing a diverse range of quick and nutritious options, we prioritize offering delicious, healthy smoothies and juices made from high-quality fruits and vegetables.

Being a mompreneur means embracing the beautiful chaos of balancing motherhood with entrepreneurship. It means leading by example, teaching my children the value of hard work, perseverance, and chasing their dreams. Every challenge and triumph is worth it to create a better future for my family and inspire others to pursue their passions.